Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hell.. There's Soooo much more to the question..

So.. I have time to work out and I really love to do it. But here's the thing.. I am a few kilos heavy but pretty damn fit. I workout hard ( a couple hours between 100 and 170 pulse - I am 58- )
But.. I can just about guarantee I am going to have enough beers ( or Martinis, or Bourbon ) that I probably wake up fatter than the day before.
No shit.. I wonder why I do that..
I don't eat meat - couldn't ever kill it - I really WANT to be healthy and fit and so, I exercise SERIOUSLY and athletically and I really don't eat alot of crap. But.. Something ( WAY DEEPER THAN I THINK YOU BELIEVE YOU ALREADY KNOW ) is at work here...
I feel pretty good.. Gonna go sit in the desert heat and have a cold one while the DB's try and pull it out...

glancing into the mental prism

Am I alone out here?
My really big question ( to myself ) is "What the fuck are you doing? and Why".
I think it may even be embarrassing if the the number of "levels" where that question is valid were known. -- even by me --

Contrary to what has become too effin' common, I am not really so pissed about how I have been PERSONALLY fucked by "yeah.. I am gonna say it and if you don't get it, wow!" The Man. Oh he has been to my door, taken my cash and property with no warrant and zero due process, all right. I mean, I can Identify.

But I am doing OK. Pigs are still pigs and they are real expensive when you brand them with federal badges but,, Screw them.. Like I said.. I am doing fine in spite of those ass-wipes and the bureaucracy that creates and empowers them.

Naah, I am so pissed that we have all become serfs. We serve many lords but, believe you me.. Lords they be. I cannot see any semblance of the subject we studied in grade school called "Democracy and Parliamentary Procedure".

Here we are in the age of the "REVOLUTION CAUSING" Facebook, Twitter etc.
Technology can finally guarantee "One Person, One Vote".

DO YOU REALLY TRUST IMBECILES LIKE ( enter your favorite political figure's name ) to interpret your SINGLE vote for them into your political choices?

Really? Why shouldn't WE vote on everything from our laptop/iphone/blackberry/Whethefuckever ??